Black Eight is a community group from Yarlington, Galhampton & North Cadbury, sharing concerns on planned property developments in the area

Black Eight Acres is the area of traditional farming land on which Emily Estate are proposing to develop a new agricultural facility.

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The Proposal

Emily Estate are proposing to build a large new farm on greenfield land beneath the escarpment known as Yarlington Sleights.

They are also proposing to re-develop Yarlington Manor Farm into residential housing for guest accomodation and long term lets.

Why Oppose?

The Environmental Impact of a new farm would be significant on an area of historic beauty which is also renowned amongst walkers.

Emily Estate own three established farms in the immediate vicinity and they should be encouraged to redevelop these to avoid the ecological and environmental impact associated with their proposals.

The new housing as proposed will not benefit the local community.

Reasons for Concern

Recent examples of planning applications by Emily Estate illustrate ‘Planning Creep’.

Based on the experience of Avalon Farm on Galhampton Hill, and in the absence of any medium- or long-term plans from Emily Estate, it could be assumed that further development of the area below the Sleights will follow.

Black Eight Acres and the planned site

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